The National Heritage Institute – Tunisia

The National Heritage Institute (INP) is a public administrative institution with legal personality and financial autonomy. It is under the Ministry of Culture. It is a scientific and technical institution responsible for establishing the inventory of cultural heritage, archaeological, historical, civilizational and artistic, of his study, his backup and its development.


Preserve, protect and restore archaeological sites, historical monuments and traditional urban ensembles.

Organize and undertake research, search, inventory and exploration in the areas of archaeological, historical and civilization through the different periods.

Collect the traditional heritage and folk arts, show their civilizational value, the inventory, study and exhibit.

Undertake all the research, preservation, protection, restoration and exhibition of historical documents, civilization, science and art (manuscripts and printed materials, audio-visual materials regardless of their support, regardless of artistic works are their subjects, their enforcement techniques such as art, furniture …)

Create museums safeguard their collections and methods to promote the exhibition.

Publish scientific and cultural dissemination.

Participate in the development of heritage and its promotion by any means audio-visual and written, by organizing exhibitions, conferences and seminars nationally and internationally.

Train managers, recycling and lead the work of various scientific and technical sectors.



Ph. / Fax : +216 71 56 35 90

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